
Public Awareness Committee: Continuing Awareness in a Different Time

Committee Members:
Anthony Jacobsen, AIA, Chair
Lyle Murtha, AIA
Andrea Haro, Assoc. AIA
Lewis Matthew Miller, AIA

This year has been very unusual for everyone, including the Public Awareness Committee. In a time where we are social distancing to stay well, most of what we do to educate the public about architecture can still be sustained. We have continued with the calendar and publication to reach out, but we did have to cancel our National Architecture Week events due to Covid-19. We will pick up more in-person events next year as time allows. AIA Wyoming is a resilient group that is always thinking of ways to reach out to the public and membership to keep everyone involved and educated.

The calendar project is still going strong and is still FREE and available to anyone who wants to take one or pass them out; just contact anyone on this Public Awareness Committee. The images in the calendar are of Wyoming projects throughout the state, designed by AIA Wyoming architects and designers from across the state. For more information on AIA Wyoming calendars, refer to the back cover of this publication, contact AIA Wyoming at or view our website at

The Wyoming Architecture publication continues to be a great tool for AIA Wyoming to communicate with many different industries. We have built up a great distribution coverage with this publication. Still, we are always evaluating how we can expand our distribution list of industry partners, legislators, state departments, schools, contractors, realtors, clients, members and many other contacts throughout the state. This publication has lots of information that can easily reach and educate the public on our profession through our chapter’s activities and programs.

A majority of AIA Wyoming activities and announcements from around the state are posted on our AIA Wyoming Facebook page. We keep the membership updated on current activities around the state, and our goal is to provide posts and information on all happenings from AIA Wyoming. Please join us in liking the AIA Wyoming Facebook page and inviting other professionals, colleagues, or anyone interested in architecture to like it as well.

The Public Awareness Committee is continually looking for ways to create connections with the public and provide awareness about the great community of architects Wyoming has and how they impact all of our lives. We are always open to new ideas and volunteers to help us promote awareness of the profession through AIA Wyoming.

Anthony Jacobsen, AIA

This story appears in the 2020 Directory of the Wyoming Architecture Magazine.
