Pub. 10 2023 Directory

Membership Development Committee: Getting Goals Accomplished

Committee Members:
Rachel Delventhal, AIA
Ansley Mouw, Associate AIA
Kendra Shirley, AIA
Roger Stewart, AIA
Britney Sulzen, Associate AIA

The mission of the Membership Development Committee is to enhance the membership experience. By embracing the mission, the committee holds activities for members, associate members, non-members and industry partners for the two chapter conferences and provides other membership events as well throughout the year. These activities allow people to engage in conversation, network and provide opportunities for young professionals to meet seasoned architects and potential mentors. With a small group of volunteers, our committee continues to hold these events and brainstorm new ways to grow our membership, add new committee and chapter members to enhance and grow the AIA Wyoming membership experience.

For the 2023 Annual Fall Conference held in Casper on September 28th, the Membership Development hosted Speed Mentoring in conjunction with the welcome reception/tour held at Casper’s Black Tooth Brewery. For the tour of the Brewery project (presented by Lyle Murtha, AIA — Stateline No. 7 Architects and Ansley Mouw, Associate AIA — Winters Griffith Architects), AIA members, along with industry partners, were paired off to listen and discuss the project. Once the tour presentation concluded, the paired groups were then brought together with other paired groups for questions and discussion, both related and unrelated to architecture. It was one of the most successful social and networking events to date. The Membership Development Committee received many compliments for its work and creativity for the event. Most members stated that they had not conversed with so many individuals at one AIA Wyoming event before.

We have several exciting membership events in the works for the upcoming 2024 spring and fall conferences, so stay tuned for more details. In addition, we are also working with the Education and Resource Committee on providing more social, mentoring and educational experiences that the members can participate in throughout the year. One opportunity is SWELL.

The committee continues to meet on the third Thursday of every month to discuss its efforts for future events and opportunities to bring current and potential members together. We continually work on efforts in recruiting and retaining members, so if you are interested in being a part of this amazing committee, please let one of the committee or board members know.