Pub. 9 2022 Directory

Education and Resources Committee: Education Outreach

Committee Members:
Jessica Barnhouse, AIA
Brandon Daigle, AIA
Brit Morgan, AIA
Ben Reeves, AIA
Clint Taylor, AIA

The Education and Resource Committee’s primary goal is to promote architecture to the public and provide educational resources for architects to use when engaging with students and clients across the state.

While the past few years have limited access to K-12 schools for class presentations by architects, the committee has focused on providing alternative educational resources by gathering online platforms for learning and sharing those with AIA members. Just this past month, the committee gained additional members and will begin to reevaluate priorities for 2023.

The most recent public outreach event was a tour of the new Casper College Visual Arts building hosted by committee member Brandon Daigle. During the tour, students in the construction management program at Casper College were given an overview of the project timeline, contract and funding structure, and typical processes that architects and contractors execute to deliver a higher-education building to the public. Students were able to tour the building prior to the official opening, giving them a sneak preview of the building operations and back-of-house mechanical and electrical systems operations.

The committee hopes to continue to engage with more consistent face-to-face workshops where elementary, middle, and high school students provide introductions to architecture through interactive presentations and mathematic project examples. The committee continues its goal of focusing on connecting with students and teachers in cities across Wyoming. There will be continued efforts to reach high school students and the new outreach developments to a higher education audience and the public.