2015 Directory

10 WYOMING ARCHITECTURE .15 | www.aia-wyoming.org Committees Make a Difference Do you ever question what the AIA does for you? The answer is fairly simple... YOU are the AIA. Be the action that you want to see. Get involved and have your voice heard - JOIN AN AIA WYOMING COMMITTEE TODAY. AIA Wyoming has four standing committees: - Education & Resources - Public & Professional Awareness - Membership Development - Government Advocacy Our Committees develop and drive the projects and programs that shape AIA Wyoming. Get involved with one of these committees! Put ideas into action. It is a rewarding (and fun!) way to have an active role in AIA and network with colleagues, peers, and mentors throughout the State. It is so easy to get caught up in deadlines, projects, and our own individual lives. AIA re- minds us to come together in support of the profession that we love. There is strength in numbers : If we all do a little, we can accomplish a lot. b BY KATIE WILSON, AIA AIA WYOMING ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, AIA WESTERN MOUNTAIN REGION SECRETARY-ELECT