2016 Directory

33 (from left to right) Mark Kucera, AIA – Plan One Architects, DavidMills – Epic Metals, and Jacob Ernst, Associate AIA – GSG Architecture Architectural Education Foundation of AIA Wyoming BY CLINT TAYLOR, AIA, AEF TREASURER I n 1997 AIA Wyoming established the Architectural Education Foundation of AIA Wyoming (AEF-AIAWy) to assist Wyoming students obtain an architec- tural education at accredited schools of architecture. The Architectural Education Foundation of AIA Wyoming is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and is administered by the Board of Directors selected from the membership of AIA Wyoming. Multiple scholarships are typically awarded each year to deserving Wyoming residents or Wyoming high school graduates. The original funds for the scholarship were a gift of $3,000 from the Colorado Producers Council to AIA Wyoming in the late 1980’s. During the 1990’s, AIA Wyoming started dis- tributing a portion of excess funds from the previous year’s budget to the AEF-AIAWy scholarship fund. Since then, the AEF- AIAWy has asked AIA Wyoming member firms to make a yearly donation pledge. AEF-AIAWy also solicits gifts from allied professionals, Wyoming philanthropic orga- nizations and individuals, and holds periodic fund raising events. The AEF-AIAWy has been able to grow the corpus of the schol- arship funds to a level where we can sustain the scholarship awards from yearly earnings. To be eligible, students must have complet- ed three or more semesters in a program leading to an accredited degree in Archi- tecture or have graduated or will graduate with an Architectural Engineering degree from the University of Wyoming, and have been accepted by an accredited school of architecture. Unfortunately, AEF received no applications for this year’s scholarships. The Board is considering changing the requirements to make the funds available to first year architecture students. Current AEF of AIA Wyoming Board Members are: Mike Potter (mikepotter@bresnan.net ) - Presi- dent, Brad Oberg (ObergB@laramie1.org) – Vice President, Randy Byers (randy@tdsi. us) – Secretary, Clint Taylor (clint@tdsi.us ) – Treasurer, and Lisa Hubbard (lhubbard@ gsgarchitecture.com) – Director. AEF had their third golf tournament fundraiser at the Powder Horn in Sheridan after the AIA Wyoming Annual Summer Conference. We enjoyed a fantastic golf course and raised $1,100 for the scholarship fund. For more information about the Architec- tural Education Foundation, view the AEF Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AEF. AIA.WYO or contact any of the Board mem- bers. b