2016 Directory
40 WYOMING ARCHITECTURE .16 | www.aia-wyoming.org AIA Wyoming Happenings for 2017! BY DAN STALKER, AIA, AIA WYOMING PRESIDENT-ELECT D ear AIAWyoming Architects, Associates, Allied members, contractors and fellow collaborators. It is with a great deal of pleasure that I write this message announcing the plans to celebrate the 70 year anniversary of AIA Wyoming, a Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). 2017 will be a banner year for us! We want to invite and include as many members, guests and friends to join with us in a yearlong celebration, to participate in a variety of programs, events and activities throughout the year. We will start the New Year with our Winter meeting in Cheyenne, followed by our Summer meeting in Casper and finally, we are planning for a very special meeting in Jackson at the Annual Fall conference. Joining us in Jackson will be the entire AIANational Board including the newly elected President, Thomas Vonier, FAIA , EVP/CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA, all members of the National Board and staff. We will be meeting with the Board and in addition to having Board members contribute to our meeting, we have scheduled several social activities and collabora- tive events with them. This will be a very unique opportunity for AIAWyoming architects to share our work, our passions, our state and learn firsthand the workings of our profession at the national level. In addition to the National Board, we hope to have Governor Matt Mead and other state, local and national representatives and office holders attend. We also look forward to a renewed synergy with our building partners, contractors and sponsors. Our WesternMountain Region directors are eager to join us as well. We anticipate bringing students from Elementary Schools, Junior High Schools and High Schools to our meetings, planting seeds and nurturing an appreciation of architecture. We will invite College students and faculty members and members of the public to join with us as well. Reaching out and engaging with others will be a focus of 2017. Our annual fall conference will feature a highly anticipated AIAWyoming design and honor awards program. We have contacted many cele- brated architects and visionary speakers to share in the celebration. Planning for this meeting is well under way and we can’t wait to share the excite- ment. We hope you will join us at one or at all three of these conferences as we share the history of Wyoming architecture, honor its architects and celebrate our 70 year history with AIA. Other events to anticipate in 2017 include National Architecture Week, our regional AIAWMR Con- ference in Las Vegas, the AIANational Convention and many state wide educational opportunities. We will be following the lead of AIANational’s K-12 Initiative with the scheduling of collaborative educational workshops being sponsored by AIA members, partners and communities throughout the state. As always, we want to thank our sponsors and those who continue to support us in untold ways. Architects inWyoming continue to design beau- tiful buildings that complement our unique and varied natural environment. We are committed to honor our clients, our climate and our culture while contributing to the health, wealth and safety of our communities. 2017 will be a year where we can look back at a wonderful body of work and more importantly, look ahead with a renewed energy and commitment to our profes- sion. b
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