2017 Directory
12 WYOMING ARCHITECTURE .17 | www.aia-wyoming.org Your Place in AIA Wyoming BY JACOB ERNST, ASSOC. AIA, AIA WYOMING ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR AIA has four standing committees: • Education and Resources • Public and Professional Awareness • Membership Development • Government Advocacy These four committees, along with all the conference planning committees, are respon- sible for every event and program AIA Wyoming provides. If you want to share your ideas, meet other great professionals, advance your career, and help advance the archi- tecture profession, please consider joining a committee. AIA Wyoming has a wonderful history of having vast participation from its membership in all areas of service, so please stand up next to your fellow members and help any way you can. Everyone has a place in AIA, what’s yours? b Have you ever wondered what good the AIA can do for you? Have you ever thought about why the AIA doesn’t do something in particular that you find to be a great idea? Fresh ideas are always welcomed on AIA committees. In fact, new ideas from AIA members are how all the wonderful programs and events AIA hosts actually get started in the first place.
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