2018 Directory

27 Degree from Lawrence Technological University, and a Juris Doctor Degree from Wayne State University. He is a member of the AIA College of Fellows, he is an AIA UpJohn Fellow, and he is an AIA De- troit Gold Medal recipient. In addition, he received the AIA Michigan Robert Hastings Award for his work restoring the Frank Lloyd Wright Affleck House in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, as well as the Lawrence Technological University College of Architecture distinguished alumni award, together with the “The Ray” award from the Lawrence Techno- logical University alumni association, awarded university wide. He has been honored by the Michigan Association of Fundraising Professionals as Outstanding Volunteer of the year. The evening concluded with a social event at The Library Restaurant for fellowship and networking. Saturday’s tours began with Sallie Means, AIA providing a building tour for the attendees of the University of Wyoming Enzi STEM facility and followed by the University of Wyoming Arena Auditorium. The conference concluded with a tour of the University of Wyoming High Altitude Training Center given by Senator Stephan Pappas, AIA. The Spring Conference was a success as measured by our conference evaluation forms where all respondent rankings and comments. Fifteen and a half learning units and health, safety, and welfare continuing edu- cation credits were gleaned from attendees who attended all sessions. We thank our supporting sponsors, conference sponsors, exhibitors, visiting AIA members, UW students, industry partners, and members for attending this event. b