2019 Directory

11 E ver wonder how an architect would benefit from engage- ment in their professional organization? Getting involved in a committee in AIAWyoming allows you to express your ideas and make connections with the industry to strengthen the architectural profes- sion. It expands your professional expertise into your community and beyond, which enriches everyone involved. From the Strategic Plan of AIAWY, four Standing Committees were implemented that are made up of member volunteers: Education and Resources Public Awareness Membership Development Government Advocacy These four committees, along with all the conference planning teams, are responsible for events and programs AIAWyoming provides. The Chapter has a wonderful history of having vast participation from its mem- bership. If you want to share your ideas and put them into action, meet other great professionals, advance your career, and help advance the architecture profession, please consider joining a committee. It is a rewarding and fun way to have an active role in AIA and network with colleagues, peers, and mentors throughout the State. b The Benefit of Member Engagement AIAWyoming Committee Chairs (left to right), Dale Buckingham, AIA – Membership Development; Anthony Jacobsen, AIA – Public Awareness; Levi Van Buggenum, AIA – Education and Resources; Mark Kucera, AIA – Government Advocacy