2019 Directory
4 WYOMING ARCHITECTURE .19 | www.aia-wyoming.org Wyoming Architecture .19 is a publication of the Wyoming Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. www.aia-wyoming.org AIA Wyoming PO Box 21833 Cheyenne, WY, 82003 307-286-5519 info@aia-wyoming.org PUBLICATION COVER: David Street Station – Ice Rink Casper, WY Stateline No.7 Architects 2020 UPCOMING AIA EVENTS: AIA WY Spring Conference Cody, WY, April 23-25, 2020 A’20 - AIA Conference on Architecture Los Angeles, CA, May 14-16, 2020 AIA WY Annual Fall Conference Casper, WY, September 17-19, 2020 AIA WMR Summit - Albuquerque, NM, September 30 - October 3, 2020 CONTENTS AIA WY President’s Message. ........................................ .6 2019 AIA WY Board of Directors and Staff.................... .7 AIA Western Mountain Region Director’s Message ...... .8 The Benefit of Member Engagement. .......................... 11 Public Awareness Committee. ...................................... 12 Government Advocacy Committee .............................. 13 Education & Resources Committee. ............................. 14 Membership Development Committee. ....................... 15 AIA Wyoming Technology in Architecture Practice (TAP). .............................................................. 15 2019 AIA Grassroots & Leadership Conference. .......... 16 AIA Conference on Architecture 2019. ......................... 18 AIA Wyoming Best 10. .................................................. 21 A History of the Western Mountain Region. ................ 23 Are You Leading a Productive Workplace Team?. ........ 25 State and Local Government Network Annual Meeting (SLGN). ............................................... 27 Small Firm Exchange (SFX) ............................................ 27 AIA WY Spring Conference: Emergent. ......................... 30 AIA WMR Conference: Resonance ............................... 32 AIA WMR Design Awards: AIA WY Award Winners. .... 36 Architect, The Trusted Advisor. .................................... 38 AIA WY Member Special Recognition . ......................... 39 Architectural Tools I SPY ............................................... 40 Architectural Education Foundation . ........................... 41 Wyoming Capitol Square Project . ................................ 42 National Architecture Week: AIA WY Film Festival. .... 46 Thank You to Our 2019 Partners .................................. 48 AIA WY Firm Profiles. ................................................... 51 AIA and Associate AIA WY Member Directory. ............ 52 AIA WY Allied Member Directory. ................................ 58 AIA WY 2020 Calendar. ................................................ 60 AIA Grassroots & Leadership Conference New Orleans, LA, February 17-20, 2020
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