2019 Directory

42 WYOMING ARCHITECTURE .19 | www.aia-wyoming.org Wyoming Capitol Square Project Completion of a Landmark BY SUZANNE NORTON, AIA In order to meet project goals, four construction components were included in the Capitol Square Project: the rehabilitation and restoration of the Capitol; replacement, relocation, and expansion of the central utility plant; the renovation of the tunnel that connects the Capitol to the Herschler Building; and the rehabilitation and expansion of the Herschler Building. (Photo Credit Wyoming Drone Imaging) A project open house and dedication celebration occurred onWyoming Statehood Day, July 10, 2019. The festivities included a variety of performances, games and activities at the State Museum, as well as demonstrations of Arapaho and Shoshone Traditional Arts, behind the scenes museum tours, a book signing and food vendors. Earlier in the day, the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Wyoming re-dedicated the Capitol cornerstone. Fireworks concluded the celebration event. More than 130 years after it first opened to the public, theWyoming Capitol reopened after a critical restoration. Thousands attended the July 10 ribbon cutting and tours of the project. Officials believe about 11,000 people attended the celebration. T he Wyoming State Capitol is the seat of two of Wyoming’s three branches of government. Over the past four years, it has had the first comprehensive restoration in its 130-year history. The Capitol was built in 1888 and expanded in 1890 and 1917. Over the decades, elevators, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); plumbing; and other systems have been added, but many systems had begun to fail. The last major work done in the Capitol, from 1974-1980, concealed the character of the historic rooms in the building and did not address infrastructure issues. In 2014, the Legislature authorized the Capitol Square Project. The project was driven by three goals: to add or update life safety systems, to replace failing building systems, and to increase public access in the Capitol. Net Square Feet Gained: 94,851 Individuals Employed: 3,990 For more information, visit: www.wyomingcapitolsquare.com www.facebook.com/WyomingCapitolSquare www.instagram.com/wycapitolsquare twitter.com/WYCapitolSquare Unless otherwise noted, all photo credit to Wyoming Capitol Square / Girt Communications b The gold leaf dome of the Capitol is an icon inWyoming. Only ten states, including Wyoming, have gold leaf domes. The dome has been gilded six times before this project. In 2018, gilding took six days and required about seven ounces of gold.