2019 Directory
8 WYOMING ARCHITECTURE .19 | www.aia-wyoming.org AIA Western Mountain Region Director’s Message Substantial Steps for a More Prosperous AIA WMR BY NATHANIEL HUDSON, AIA, AND DINO SAKELLAR, FAIA – AIA WMR DIRECTORS A long with current initiatives within the Western Mountain Region, we’ve worked through a very busy year on the national front. While most years in the National Strategic Council have been devoted almost exclusively to self-organized work- groups focusing on current and future issues affecting the profession, this year’s Council has not only filled the capacity of traditional workgroups but has also been instrumental in the ideation and drafting of the AIA’s next Strategic Plan, been actively participating in the Board’s standing committees, and serving on task forces dedicated to working on a number of resolutions from our nation- al business meetings. It is evident that the National Strategic Council is becoming a more instrumental resource for others and finding a better opportunity to integrate its thoughts and energy into the existing national volunteer infrastructure and staffing. These are substan- tial steps in a more prosperous direction for the AIA at large! WMR Senior Director, Nate Hudson, has served on the Strategic Council’s Strategic Planning Committee for two years and is now one of the six Strategic Counselors on the National Strategic Planning Committee tasked with developing our next national Strategic Plan. Working with the members of the WMR has been instrumental in the direction Nate’s influence has had on this effort. A willing- ness to take bold and proud stances on efforts impacting our profession, while at the same time, simplicity of communication, and at- tainability of goals are the resonating thoughts brought from our region to the Committee’s conversations by Nate. A nearly complete draft should be ready for distribution and comment after this year’s Governance Week, December 10th-13th. The 2019 Council Workgroups have been divided into the following categories: • Transforming Architectural Education [TAE] • Professional Development • The Next Big Thing [4 subgroups] Forecast Knowledge XR Big Data Innovative Business Models [IBM] Below is an overview of the current status of workgroups progress for 2019. Transforming Architectural Education Nate Hudson also serves as a 2019 Convener for the Transforming Architectural Education [TAE] workgroup whose members represent over one-third of the entire Strategic Coun- cil. To note, former WMR Regional Director
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