2019 Directory

9 and Wyoming Architect, Katie Wilson, AIA, along with Nate Hudson, AIA, both helped found this effort in 2018. Through dozens of calls, literature research, and face to face workshops, the TAE Work Group has focused on providing a data set to assist in the development of new modalities of architectural education for a rapidly changing professional environment. In-Person Workshops By way of six in-person workshops, over 150 attendees shared perspectives of primary stakeholders, current students of architecture programs, emerging professionals, and sea- soned practitioners identified ways that the AIA can support transforming architectural education. The goal is to support students to be adaptable to a rapidly changing world and be prepared to enter the workforce successfully. Benchmarking Review and Professional Research The TAE Work Group studied the work of three professions, their education, and their professional associations (medicine, dental medicine, and engineering) and will continue to look at others. Through interviews, confer- ence reports, and secondary research, overar- ching idea tracks that bridge the gap between the academy and the profession include: • Student-Centered Focus • Active Learning • Learning Outcomes Focus • Streamline Curriculum • Diversity • Place the Professional Organization as Leader, not Dictator Accreditation Review Forum (ARF) The Workgroup convened to research resources for the AIA representatives to the 2019 National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB) ARF to use. The AIA Steering Committee and TAE workgroup worked in parallel to develop the AIA’s opinion and interpretation of the proposed 2020 NAAB Conditions and Procedures. Evidence-based data gathered from benchmarking review research and workshops aided the TAE’s review of the ARF’19 briefing booklet and provided the AIA Board with a well-in- formed perspective during the current five-year review cycle. Based on that report, the AIA was able to navigate collateral arguments, lead discussions with a uniform voice, and recommend progressive changes to the NAAB’s first draft proposal. Education Foresight Standing Commit- tee Proposal The Workgroup has recommended sunsetting their efforts at the end of 2019 and for AIA to develop an annual standing committee equipped with the commitment and re- quired resources in the study of architectural education forecasting. There has never been a more critical time to attract and retain talent capable of addressing surmounting global issues. Investing in education is the greatest opportunity for our profession to have a posi- tive impact on a rapidly changing world. Professional Development The Professional Development Workgroup began its work in 2019 by reflecting and ideating on the future of professional develop- ment. The term “Professional Development” is open to interpretation in a variety of ways. Therefore, the workgroup defined Profession- al Development as a baseline for their efforts and compiled a partial list of Professional Development activities and experiences for well-rounded career development, including: • Leadership Programs • Continuing Education • Conference Activities • Firm Roundtables • Participation in community-focused activities • Component-generated programs • … and other opportunities across the Institute The final report will be an assemblage of big ideas stated as “WHAT IF” statements. A use- ful format to propose an idea and to explore the resulting benefits from follow-through and implementation of any proposed ac- tivities. Specifically, the five ideas currently comprising this report are: 1. WHAT IF the Institute invested the necessary time and RESOURCES TO ORGANIZE AND CURATE AVAILABLE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF- FERINGS, KNOWLEDGE AND TOOLS, to better address the growth and develop- mental needs of members? 2. WHAT IF the Institute created a specific Professional Development offering focused on keeping EXPERIENCED PROFESSION- ALS ENGAGEDWITH BOTH THE DELIV- ERY OF NEWEXPERIENCES AS WELL AS MENTORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES? 3. WHAT IF the Institute created a “VIRTUAL CONCIERGE,” which lives online, and would suggest specific Professional Development offerings for members based on information provided in expanded member profiles, and “big data” search histories, etc. to better understand members needs and interests? 4. WHAT IF the Institute created a DIGITAL APPLICATION (AN APP) on a mobile de- vice platform, in response to the need and trend of portability and personalization of professional development opportunities and resources? 5. WHAT IF current Professional Devel- opment offerings were MAPPED ON A FRAMEWORK OF THE FELLOWS OBJECTS, not as a suggested or prescrip- tive path to Fellowship, but rather a way to understand which offerings might contrib- ute to one’s development along the various paths to Fellowship? Forecast Knowledge Consistent with Resolution 19-11 (Resolution for Urgent and Sustained Climate Action), adopted at A’19 in Las Vegas, and the Board of Director’s adoption of “The Big Move,” there is an urgent need to rapidly transform the way architecture is practiced in response to the imminent threat that climate change poses. To facilitate this transformation, the AIA Strategic Council recommends that AIA adopt a comprehensive Climate Action Plan developed by a panel of sustainability experts from inside and outside of the AIA. Goals: • Create an outward-focus of AIA that po- sitions the Institute as design leaders in climate action regardless of firm size or location. • Enhance membership value in address- ing climate change through the built environment – emphasizing knowledge, resources, and community engagement. • Move AIA from a state of destabilization to that of dynamic stability on climate change. • Establish a framework for the Climate Action Plan that creates long-term busi- ness certainty across the profession and enhances membership value. • Build in continuous improvement in the areas of technology, globalization, and climate. • Provide accelerated change the way we practice architecture specific to climate action. • Make an external statement that cli- mate action is an urgent priority of the Institute.