
Make a Difference Today on an AIA Wyoming Standing Committee

So many of our AIA members have contributed to AIA Wyoming over the years. This September in Casper, we watched your contributions in action at our Annual Fall conference with colleagues, peers, and mentors.

To all of our AIA Wyoming members, please come together with our State Chapter by joining an AIA Wyoming standing committee. This is our year to get and stay involved with our Architecture profession.

Your voice, ideas and actions are needed, greatly appreciated, and how we create a community within our architectural profession. We will all benefit from our 2021 engagement through committees, so don’t delay!

Pick One:
Education and Resources
Public Awareness
Membership Development
Government Advocacy

Please take a moment to read a note from our 2019-2020 AIA Wyoming Treasurer, Charlie Van Over, AIA, who is another perfect example of why it is great to be a part of AIA WY. Thank you, Charlie and thank you, AIA Wyoming members.

“As I write this and reflect on my two terms as Treasurer for AIA Wyoming, I feel rewarded and satisfied having been a part of the leadership team of the AIA. Although I attended the AIA conferences nearly my entire career and used them to earn my continuing education credits, I chose not to get involved with the organization. Looking back, I regret that decision. I did get involved at the inception of the Government Advocacy Committee a few years ago, which has been very rewarding. Shortly before my retirement, I decided that I wanted to give back to AIA for all that they had done for me, so I ran for Treasurer and was elected. The past four years have been very rewarding for me personally, and I will continue to be involved with AIA Wyoming.


In my opinion, AIA Wyoming is an extremely important organization for all Architects and we each need to be involved. I encourage you to take a minute and think of what AIA does or has done for you. AIA Wyoming provides conferences where you can get the continuing education you need, provide networking opportunities with fellow architects and vendors, educate the public, monitor and provide legislation, and much more. At the national level, master format specifications and contract documents are provided; they lobby for architects and the profession; support chapters; provide leadership and many additional professional resources. I challenge you to explore the AIA Wyoming and AIA websites to see what help they can give you!

In many instances, people do not think an architect is needed to design a building for them, and that it is a waste of money. Without a strong AIA organization both locally and nationally, the profession would not thrive. In closing, I ask each of you to give back and get involved, either on the Board, one of the standing committees or as a member of the conference planning team.” 

AIA Wyoming

This story appears in the 2020 Directory of the Wyoming Architecture Magazine.
