Photo above by Jason Takeuchi, YAF Chair
Let me start by introducing myself. I am Wyoming’s Young Architect Representative, I started in 2023 and will be continuing my third year on the Young Architects Forum (YAF) in 2025. The following information is to help anyone understand what the YAF is and how it is helping young architect’s around the nation. If anyone has any questions or wants to learn more about this organization, please contact AIA Wyoming, and they will get you in touch with me to learn more.
What is the YAF?
The YAF is a program of the American Institute of Architects organized to address issues of importance for recently licensed architects (up to 10 years of licensure).
The YAF values are leadership, mentorship and collegiality.
The YAF represents approximately 20,000 of AIA’s nearly 100,000 members.
- Wyoming has less than 100 candidates that qualify as being a “Young Architect” candidate (let me know if you’d like to see a full map showing the number of YA qualifying members in the U.S. by state).
- The average age on the committee is early 30s and most were licensed in 2019 (including me).
2024 Annual Report
The YAF has identified three priority areas in 2024 most relevant to supporting recently licensed architects:
- Growth and Career Advancement.
- Steering the Future of the Profession.
- Diversifying and Accelerating Leadership.
This report came out in September of 2024 and is available as a PDF to anyone interested. Please contact AIA Wyoming to access a copy.
2024 has seen the following achievements, to name a few:
The most YAF members to ever be represented in committee history (51 of 53 Young Architect Representatives selected, including Puerto Rico and Dubai) across seven time zones.
- Launched “Taking Care of Business” (formerly Mini MBA) at AIA’24 in D.C. which was presented at the 2024 NOMA Conference in Baltimore.
- Launched digital content on to expand YAF’s online presence (formerly published as Connections).
- Awarded the third recipient of the $10,000 Future Forward Grant through partnership with the AIA Large Firm Roundtable.
- Delivered free webinars attracting over 100 participants, in partnership with AIA New Jersey and AIA Illinois.
- Continued valuable programming, such as the Align Mentorship Program, Open Mic Nights and more.
- For the first time, included a YAF representative to serve on each of the Strategic Council study areas.
- Local and regional programs and events leveraging YAF leadership.
Looking Forward
YAF is currently studying the relevance of its current committee name (Young Architects Forum) and whether members feel accurately represented as young architects. Through ongoing studies and stakeholder engagement, YAF looks forward to releasing our findings and recommendations regarding whether an updated name to better represent our demographic is appropriate.
My Role
The Communications Committee is working on:
- Quarterly open mic nights to provide knowledge, interaction and an opportunity for young architects to hear advice, share knowledge and a platform to be heard and connect.
- Helping with a report called “You’re Licensed, Now What?” to help guide newly licensed architects with the opportunities and resources available to them going forward at this critical stage in their career.
- Budget cuts to the AIA:
- Now more involved in the planning, location and travel/lodging for the 2025 in person YAF meeting.
- Goal is to still hold an in-person meeting within a smaller budget but may not be able to fully cover travel and expenses as in previous years.