2024 Pub. 11 Directory
By Dale Buckingham, AIA
Author John Maxwell says, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” As architects, we understand this statement better than most. The work that we do responds to and reflects changes in our culture, our environment and technology. We make it possible for individuals and organizations to meet the challenges of change and continue to grow and thrive in their homes, businesses and communities. I am always amazed at the facial expressions as I explain to people what architects do.
By the Wyoming Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
By the Wyoming Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
By the Wyoming Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
By the Wyoming Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
By Katelynn Larsen, Associate AIA, and Ellen Martin, Associate AIA
Tribute written by Mike Potter, AIA, and Glen Garrett, AIA Emeritus, with Birgitt Paul
By Ellen Martin, Associate AIA
By Britney Sulzen, AIA, and Clint Taylor, AIA
By the Wyoming Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
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